Wanted: Soldiers

Have you ever wanted to be in the army? Have you had a bow and arrow but not actually met up with the arrow? Have you ever wanted to know what the afterlife looked like? Then you have got to sign up! Pharaohs don’t be shy. You can lead the army in your nice wooden Chariot and you get to pick who will be your fan bearer. If you are 5 years old you can sign up but you won’t actually start fighting until 20

Benefits of the Job!
If you want to sign up you have to be strong, courageous and maybe a little bit crazy. You need to have at least a little experience with a bow and arrow, a mace, a battleaxe, a sickle, a sword or a spear. If you have mastered the composite bow you’re who we’re looking for (keep in mind that that specific bow took years of practice and lots of dexterity to master)!

If you sign up you will be trained by a drill master. Training will involve how to use weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and tactics. You will go through these drills thousands of times until you are in great physical shape. If you do any minor infraction wrong you will get a harsh beating that you won’t forget. Usually you will be paid a few loafs of bread a day along with a jug or two of beer.

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