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What is Doom?

Doom set the stage for many other FPS games

Doom is a game made by id Software in 1993. When lead programmer John Carmack finished his engine for Wolfenstein 3D, he went to work on another type of 3D rendering, named binary space partitioning while the rest of the team went to work on Spear of Destiny, the prequel to Wolfenstein 3D.

Inspirations for the game

When Carmack finished, they needed a name for the game. The name Doom came from a scene from the movie, The Color of Money, where Tom Cruise shows up at a pool hall with a case. When someone asks, "What you've got in there?", Cruise replies with a cocky grin, "Doom".

The chainsaw and Super Shotgun were inspired by the Evil Dead series, namely, Army of Darkness.


Doom and the Ultimate Doom

You were sent to Phobos as a form of punishment for assaulting a senior officer. Now you spend your time "suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks" Suddenly, all Hell breaks loose. Literally. Before you know it, you are the last man alive. You must travel to Hell and back and kill the mastermind behind this.

Doom 2

You have defeated the mastermind and arrive safely back on Earth, to find that Hell has invaded here too. You once again must travel to Hell and back, turning demons into bloody piles.

Doom 3

As a Marine transfer, you arrive to a Union Aerospace Corporation Martian base. You speak with Sergeant Kelly, who gives you a specific task; to find a missing scientist. You find the scientist, then Hell breaks loose. And there is some speculation that Betruger may be behind it all...

Doom (2016)

When Samuel Hayden's experiments go awry, you awaken with much rage. You are the Doom Slayer, the banisher of Hell, and you awaken to find Hell on Mars. Now, you must kill them all


Doom has many gameplay options. Here, I will try to list all of them.

  1. Run and Gun Run into a room and shoot everywhere
  2. Prey and Spray Similar to Number 1, but

Doom: A Legacy in the Making

Doom has gained so much popularity that many people make mods for it. There is an entire community of modders and mappers, speedrunners and max-runners. With a possible new installment on the way, Doom has earned itself a spot in the hall of fame, right? Well, many FPS game players have never actually heard of Doom! In fact, many people think that the new Doom was not as good as the original, and it lacked many key components.

The game has come a long way since it's first release in 1993. But it has been partially forgotten.

Image result for doom 1993 cover art

Doom cover art, 1993

Doom Cover Art, 2016

Doom cover art, 2016

FPS Today

FPS games have come a long way since 1993. In fact, some of the well known games started off of id's engines. Call of Duty was created with id Tech 3. Look how popular it is.

Call of Duty 1, made with id Tech 3
Call of Duty 1, made with id Tech 3

Games like Call of Duty have also come a long way, but unlike Doom, these games are newer, fresher, and less violent. But That doesn't stop Doom from being a good game, and that doesn't stop people from blaming Doom on many different things.


Games today are rated by the ESRB to be either for Everyone, Everyone 10+, Teen, Mature, or Adults Only. Most games that are published are typically rated M down. Doom is among them. But Doom has a bit of controversy.

Doom and the Columbine Shootings

On April 20, 1999, two boys came into Columbine High School and killed 13, injuring many more. Some theories of why the two boys did that were related to angry music, violent games, etc. Violent games that were listed by officials included Doom. At the time, Doom was the most violent game, aside from Duke Nukem 3D and Wolfenstein, so of course Doom would be on their watch list. The reason for why the boys shot up the school is still unknown...

Doom Has Too Much Satanic Imagery

Any Doom fan would probably be extremely mad if it was removed from the shelves because "it had too much Satanic imagery". And that is what some people tried to do. They were heavy Church-goers and they wanted the game gone because


Doom has an entire community of fans. Modders, mappers, speedruners, maxrunners, and just players, all who enjoy the bloody mayhem of Doom. If you enjoy playing Doom and no one else you know likes Doom, Click on any of the below links:

Click to Visit the Communities

Doom Reddit

Can I Play Doom?

Certainly! This is the shareware version of it, which is sort of like a demo, but still has the first episode. Note: This game does include Heretic and Hexen, but does NOT include music.

Controls (for all)

WASD ..................... Move

Arrows ................... Look

R ........................ Open/Activate

Space .................... Fire

Shift .................... Run

Alt ...................... Strafe

1-6 ...................... Weapon Select

Controls (Heretic and Hexen)

Same as above, but one extra key...

Enter .................... Use Item

[ ........................ Inventory Left

] ........................ Inventory

Q (for Hexen only) ....... Jump

So that is Doom. It may not be much, but it is something about Doom.